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Seeking Failure And Saving The Squids With Our Neighborhood Scientist Sarah McAnulty

black and white image of sarah mcanulty

The Artist 10 Podcast, hosted by Jenn Hart

Meet Sarah McAnulty, our neighborhood scientist! Join Jenn in Sarah’s home habitat, filled with creatures of all kinds. As the force behind Skype A Scientist and a robust public art program that supports local artists in Fishtown (Philly) while spreading a message of conservation and care for our environment, Sarah takes determination to new heights as she navigates red tape and negative noise to make meaningful progress toward bettering our community and helping the earth. Plus, she will share some pretty mind-blowing squid facts to give us all a better appreciation for our tentacled friends under the sea.

As the founder of Skype a Scientist, McAnulty connects classrooms and scientists worldwide, fostering a love for science and learning. Sarah's artistic talent shines through her vibrant illustrations of marine life, which she uses to make complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging to a broad audience. Her work seamlessly blends scientific rigor with artistic creativity, inspiring curiosity and appreciation for the natural world.

What better place to send a message about marine life than Fishtown? We bet you’ll get hooked on this one (he he. Yeh, we said it). 

a collage of Jenn and Sarah at Sarah's home studio

Feed your brain the good stuff with us! Listen to Episode 8: Seeking Failure and Saving The Squids with Our Neighborhood Scientist Sarah McAnulty on The Artist 10 Podcast. 

Listen to the episodes on 

Follow Sarah McAnulty and Skype a Scientist: 

Website: Sarah's Art 

Company Website: Skype A Scientist

Company Instagram: @skypeascientist 

TikTok: @sarahmackattack                                    

Youtube: @TheSquidSquad

Follow the podcast, and our team: 

Photographer: Cathie BerreyBeauMonde Originals

Keep creating Hartists! Follow @harthousecreative on Instagram and Linkedin.


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Hart House Creative, its employees, partners, The Squeeze, and guest writers make no guarantees for results. Methods and marketing suggestions are based on prior knowledge and with the intent to inspire business owners and other creatives. Every client is different with different goals. None will be held liable for any negative results achieved from implementing suggestions from our website.

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