Loving the bright colors and patterns in your illustration–they’re divine!
We can literally feel the emotion in your strokes. I guess that’s why they call it expressive art. The details here are just incredible.
Your ceramic muses and whimsy brightened our day @oraclay! Keep it coming!
What a line-up of ladies doing their thing and doing it well! Your inspiration to us all! Keep the good vibes coming.
A Mobile Bar service, specializing in unique Bars and craft cocktails. Trixie the leader of the pack is a vintage deco inspired 1973 Caravan Bar.
Handmade wooden pieces with artful inlays.
James Beard TD Winner‘18, Truffle & Caviar Dinner. Yum.
Pura Vida
Travel inspires us, whether traveling to a local spot bringing charm and life to our hometown Las Vegas or somewhere far away. Every new place and face is a teacher filling our hearts and our creative well to power up and pull from for our next project.
Tim (my fiancé and travel partner) and I took a trip with the family to Costa Rica a few weeks ago. We fell in love with the colors, the people, and motto–Pura Vida. Roughly translated, it means “pure life.” And the people of Costa Rica embrace this as a way of life. It showed in everything and everyone we met. From the bright colors adorning buildings, signs, and street benches to the chef slash waiter slash owner of a restaurant that served up one of the best meals of my adult life–Thanks Miguel at Don Ramiro! It is the only time I have ever been out to dinner and greeted with, “Hello, welcome to my home.”
To say we loved this city is an understatement.
In addition, to much-needed relaxation, I came away thinking of color and decided to put together a few palettes inspired by Costa Rica and its people.

Hoping to see you again someday Costa Rica. Till then, Pura Vida!
Author/Editor: Jennifer Hart
More inspiration to come in next month's squeeze selections. Get your creative juices flowing with us! To learn more about brands we've worked with follow @harthousecreative on Instagram or check out the testimonials on our site. Keep creating Hartists!
Hart House Creative Team Know an inspiring maker? Dm, us @harthousecreative on Instagram for a possible feature, and give us a follow while you're there to fill your feed with positive design and art vibes.